Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Dangers Of DEET

In the summer of July 4th 2001 my family and I were launching bottle rockets and shooting of rockets till midnight. That night we will never forget. The mosquito's were hungry and biting everyone all night. Our children were very young 7 and 5 years old. We had OFF mosquito repellent on hand and sprayed the children with it. Around 2 a.m. our youngest son awoke with a high fever of 102 degrees and white foam coming out of his mouth. We rushed him to the hospital and the doctors could not explain his condition. It was like nothing they had seen. The next morning, our son still had high fever so we took him to a ENT. The Doctor also could not explain the white foam coming from his mouth. Pleased to say his fever broke but he was constantly thirsty and not eating. "No one could explain his sudden condition..That winter, our friend had just come back from a Safari Trip in South Africa where she told us about her adventure and these mosquito wipes that the tour guides were giving out. She was so impressed by these products, she later on purchased World Wide rights for them. I had a small business selling my own skin care products and she asked if I would like to market these on the side. Of course I had to try them and living in Florida on the Intracoastal waterway, mosquitos are simply just a part of our community. I was so impressed with them, that I began selling more of these than my own skin care line.The products were a success both in sales and in helping and saving lives. After much research on DEET based products, I spoke to Doctors that have been researching DEET for decades and they have found that DEET can cause severe health problems in people because of the Man Made Chemical, DEET gets absorbed through the blood stream and into the body. I had no idea that all the mosquito repellents contained this DEET and at that moment I relized that July 4th 2001 had all made sense. I will be perfectly blunt, I poisoned my son. The damage from what I did can even be long term according to Doctors. I will say this to everyone that suspects they have the West Nile Virus, Please have your Doctor or Health Department take a simple urine test for DEET poisoning. West Nile Virus systoms are almost the same as DEET poisoning. Do your homework and research products before breathing them in or rubbing them into your skin. Read labels to. I must say we surely would not spray bug spray designed for our lawn on our skin.There are many unexplained disease's out there. What if it was caused by something we use? DEET is toxic. I am pleased to say that our company Je'vay International Inc. home base for http://www.hurricanesupplies.org/ (coming soon) will have these all natural mosquito repellent wipes for resale to the public and wholesalers. They contain Citronella Oil,Cedarwood Oil, Peppermint Oil, and Lemon Grass Oil.These are manufactured in South Africa. All natural and biodegradable and environmentally friendly. You can email me for more information and samples hurricanesupply@aol.com or call us 386-409-8858 to place an order. Susan Haskins